Do you want to acquire general education with an economic foundation and prepare for further studies at university? General education is an ideal preparation for life in the 21st century. We cannot predict which professions will disappear with advancing robotization and which ones will emerge in the future. With general foundations, you will be prepared for anything. Students can choose their graduation subject according to their preferences. Top students can also participate in international educational projects and internships.

A graduate of the economic lyceum specialization is a secondary-educated worker with general and professional education, ready for further studies at universities, especially in economic or legal faculties. However, due to the expanded general foundation in language, natural sciences, and social sciences, graduates are not limited in their preparation for admission to study at other faculties of universities.

They are proficient in:

  • Cultivated expression in both native and foreign languages and professional communication
  • Acquiring, evaluating, and working with information in general and professional fields of education
  • Strategies for further learning and self-development
  • Utilizing information technologies
  • Marketing activities domestically and abroad
  • Basics of accounting and financial management of a company

Completion method and certification:

  • Graduation examination
  • Certificate of graduation examination

Employment opportunities for graduates and further education possibilities:

Graduates are mainly prepared for further study at universities or higher vocational schools. However, they can also find employment directly in the job market in the economic-legal field or start their own business. During their studies, students can take internationally recognized Cambridge English language exams B1-C1 level or state language exams at level B1-B2 in a foreign language directly in the school.